Ginger Lime Carrot Soup

Photo by Olga Eglite

Photo by Olga Eglite

This soup (recipe from Radiance 4 Life) is pure, vibrant, delicious health in a bowl! 

2020 NOTE: I’ve updated this recipe since first creating it many years ago. Now that I have an air fryer and Vitamix, here’s what I do: Instead of boiling the carrots, I toss them in the air fryer at 400 F for about 5 minutes, or until a little bit tender and caramelized. Then, I just place ALL of the ingredients (except for the cilantro garnish) in my Vitamix and blend til velvety smooth - and voila! Instant soup!

▪ One medium sweet potato, baked until soft (1 cup sweet potato flesh)
▪ 3 medium-large carrots, trimmed and chopped (1½ cups chopped carrots)
▪ 2 cups plus 1 additional cup nondairy milk (plain and unsweetened) 
▪ 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
▪ 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
▪ 2 large cloves garlic, minced or pressed
▪ 1¼ teaspoons sea salt
▪ ¼ - ½ teaspoon ground cayenne (½ teaspoon will make it very spicy)
For serving: ¼ cup chopped cilantro


1. Bake the sweet potato if you haven’t already done so. Remove the skin and set aside.

2. In a medium pot, place the carrots in 2 cups of the nondairy milk. Cover and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer, uncovered, until the carrots are tender. This should take about 20 minutes.

3. Place the sweet potato in a blender along with the carrots and milk. Add the additional 1 cup of milk and all of the remaining ingredients (except the cilantro). Blend well, until very smooth. Serve immediately, topped with cilantro. Let the moaning begin!

Serves 4/GF/SF (if using soy-free milk)/Green (according to the guidelines in my cookbooks and coaching programs)