You're just one degree away from your phenomenal life!
Yes, you.
No matter what your life looks like right now, you have the ability to fulfill your fabulous desires (yes, you’re worthy of them), be happy, and THRIVE in every area of your life.
“Tess Challis is literally a life saver! Her guidance over this past year was key in helping me manifest the life I’d always dreamed of. She showed me how to look at my ‘problems’ as opportunities instead of road blocks. She cultivated a mental sea of energy that enveloped strength and courage. As a result, I’m a completely different person today. I have balance in my life. I feel free. I have mental ‘tools’ I didn’t have before. She gave me the wings to finally FLY. I don’t know where I’d be without her.”
I know that sounds a smidge far-fetched, but it’s actually true. What if working together to create your customized, DOABLE, “One Degree” pivots could make all the difference?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed, like you want to make BIG changes but don't know where to start - or HOW to do it? Do you struggle with the seemingly HUGE GAP between where you are now and where you want to be? Yep, you’re absolutely not alone. Most people can relate to this feeling of “stuckness.” THIS is why I created the “One Degree” transformation system.
What exactly does “one degree transformation” mean?!?
Let’s start with this metaphor: Do you know how much change it takes for a rocket ship to pivot from not being in orbit to actually being in orbit? It’s actually as little as one degree. That’s it—one tiny, measly little adjustment, and BOOM! Orbit. And like that rocket ship, we can “go into orbit” in our lives by making the smallest of adjustments. If you were to simply make small, doable “One Degree power pivots” every day, you’d be blown away by how much better your life (inside and out) would become!
How does is actually work?
We work together by getting ultra-real about where you are NOW, and ultra-excited about where you would ideally like to be. Then, working together, we create powerful, personalized daily One Degree pivots that will lead you to your goal. Let’s say, for example, that we work together for one year. Imagine that you make 360 powerful (yet truly doable for YOU) daily pivots over the next year. There are 365 days in a year, obviously, but this gives you the ability to have five bad days. :)
So let’s say you make those 360 small, sustainable changes. You would then, just like my other “One Degree” clients, come full circle (360 degrees!) over the next year. You’d still be you, but the upleveled, thriving version of you! Your life would be radically different, and you would be experiencing new levels of success, joy, goal-attainment, and inner peace.
This may sound far-fetched, but what if I’m actually right about this stuff? What if this is the opportunity that you’ve been waiting for? What COULD your life look life one year from now if we worked together to create stunning results? What IF?? And if you’d like to sample what’s possible during our work, apply here for a free strategy call.
I know your dreams may still seem out of reach, but stick with me.
I happen to know a bit about your potential, even if you’re not so sure right now.
The “One Degree” daily power pivots are POWERFULLY EFFECTIVE tools like none other. Think you’ve tried everything? I’m here to tell you that, respectfully, you haven’t. I’ve spent decades developing these tools, mostly because I’ve had to use them on myself!
I’ve used one degree power pivots to overcome the following in my life:
Obesity and food addiction
Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks
Poverty and poverty consciousness
Feeling like a failure in my business
Unhealthy relationships and emotional abuse
Feeling like I’d never meet “my person”
“Victim” mentality and feeling powerless
Low self esteem
Crippling perfectionism and lack of motivation
Frustration over not feeling like I’m in control of my life
And of course, I tell you all of this because I want you to know that I’m in it with you. I get it. I’m not sitting here, coaching from a manual. I’m coaching from a space of knowing firsthand what it takes to overcome inner and outer obstacles, so that you can truly have the life you desire! Because truly, we ALL deserve that. YOU deserve that. Let’s do this thing!